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Report a Tip or Sighting

If you have any information about a missing child, report it. Any detail, big or small, can be significant in the search for a missing child.

When submitting information, we encourage you to provide your contact information in case further details are required. However, you are welcome to submit a tip without providing your contact information.

If the information you have is urgent, please call 911 or your local police. These forms are for non-urgent information only — information provided may not be reviewed immediately by a caseworker.

If you have non-urgent information about a missing child, please select one of the following options and complete the form:

All information connected to a tip received through this portal may be forwarded to law enforcement and/or child welfare for investigation and review. Refer to our Privacy Policy for more details about how we handle report information.
Sighting Details
When you saw the child (approximate):

Please enter a date

This field is required

This field is required

Please enter a number

Please enter a number between 1 and {{ $$params.between.max }}

Please enter a time

(e.g. 07:20 a.m.)

This field is required

This field is required

This field is required

This field is required

This field is required

Was the child with another person?

Please select one

Description of the other person
Additional Information

The following information would be very helpful in following up on this report.

Please enter a number

Please enter a valid email address in the form of

Tip Details

This field is required

When you learned this information (approximate):

Please enter a date

This field is required

This field is required

Please enter a number

Please enter a number between 1 and {{ $$params.between.max }}

Please enter a time

(e.g. 07:20 a.m.)

This field is required

This field is required

Do you believe someone you know has more information?

This field is required

Please enter a valid email address in the form of

Additional Information

The following information would be very helpful in following up on this report.

Please enter a number

Please enter a valid email address in the form of


Thank you for providing this information to Information from the public is a critical part in the search for a missing child. If you have more information, questions, or concerns, please call 1-866-KID-TIPS (543-8477), fill out another tip or sighting form, or contact us.

Something went wrong. Please return to the contact form to review your information and re-submit.

If the problem persists, please call 1-866-KID-TIPS (543-8477) or contact us.