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If you are a youth who is thinking about running away, contact Kids Help Phone, an anonymous and confidential counselling service.

In Canada, the majority of reported missing children are runaways. In most cases, these youth leave home for a short period of time.

The reasons why youth run away are complex, but are generally associated with youth attempting to gain some control over their lives. When youth run away, their risk of victimization increases — risks may include exploitation, sexual assault, violence, theft, substance use issues (drug and alcohol), homelessness, and gang involvement.

  • Indicators of Risk

    What to pay attention to when assessing the risk of your child running away from home.

  • Prevention

    What to do to help reduce the risk of your child running away.

  • Immediate Steps

    What to do immediately if your child has run away from home.

The information provided above is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice. Readers should assess all information in light of their own circumstances, the age and maturity level of the child they wish to protect, and any other relevant factors.